Fortest vs Selenium testing tool

Fortest vs Selenium testing tool: The right tool for your Infor ERP testing?


Last week’s global IT outage, caused by a security update from CrowdStrike that affected Microsoft’s Windows operating system, brought operations across multiple industries to a standstill. The recent incident highlights, among other things, the importance of balancing the need for rapid updates against the necessity for thorough software testing. Amid economic downturns, companies often tend to reduce the size of, or altogether eliminate their software testing efforts to reduce costs.

However, as seen with the recent outage, the necessity of implementing testing cannot be over-emphasized. Instead of eliminating testing, companies can instead opt for test automation solutions to ensure release cycles are sped up, and software systems operate at peak reliability. This efficiency also frees up valuable resources, allowing your teams to prioritize innovation and strategy. This blog compares two test automation solutions, Selenium and Fortest, to help IT teams find the right fit for their business needs.

Selenium is a widely-used open-source framework that enables the automation of web browsers, providing tools to facilitate the creation and execution of tests across various web browsers and platforms. Fortest, developed by Fortude, builds on the capabilities of Selenium by offering a more user-friendly interface and additional automation commands. These are specifically designed to reduce complexity and increase efficiency in testing processes, especially for Infor M3/CloudSuite applications.

Fortest vs Selenium testing tool: Making efficiency count

When it comes to automated testing, choosing the right tool is of paramount importance in navigating efficiency and effectiveness. While Selenium has long been a staple for web automation, Fortest takes automation to the next level with its enhanced capabilities and user-friendly features. Here’s a quick comparison:

  • Comprehensive Testing Support: Fortest supports a wider range of testing types including Web, API, and Database (DB) testing, whereas Selenium is primarily focused on web browser automation.
  • Enhanced Reporting: Fortest offers more detailed reports presented in a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI), making it easier for users to understand and act on the test results compared to Selenium’s more basic reporting capabilities.
  • M3 UI Component Support: Fortest includes support for M3 UI components, allowing for more efficient and targeted testing within Infor M3 applications, a feature not natively available in Selenium.
  • Predefined Business Functions: With predefined M3 business functions, Fortest significantly reduces the time and effort required to develop automation scripts, streamlining the testing process and enhancing productivity, a convenience that Selenium does not inherently provide.

Fortest vs Selenium test automation: Putting it to practice

Understanding the practical applications of your automation tool should guide your decision-making. While Selenium remains an important tool in web automation, Fortest extends its capabilities to address broader testing needs. Here’s how Fortest performs in real-world scenarios:

  • Efficient Regression Testing: Fortest excels in regression test automation and allows for remote execution on scheduled cycles, ensuring continuous and reliable testing without manual intervention, unlike Selenium’s more manual approach.
  • Versatile Data Handling: Fortest can be used to create test data or facilitate data migration processes by running APIs, offering greater flexibility and utility in various testing scenarios compared to Selenium.
  • Significant Effort Reduction: By running Food & Beverage (F&B) test cases on MCP upgrades, Fortest achieves a 90% reduction in test effort, streamlining the testing process and saving valuable resources, a level of efficiency that Selenium test automation does not typically provide.

Simplified usability and seamless integration

The right testing tool not only impacts immediate productivity but also influences long-term project success. Fortest stands out by offering ease of use and seamless integration, making it an excellent choice for diverse testing environments. Take into consideration its:

  • User-Friendly Learning Curve: Fortest offers a simple and easy learning curve for new users, making it accessible and quick to adopt, whereas the Selenium testing tool often requires more extensive training and technical knowledge.
  • Seamless Integration: Fortest is highly compatible with popular development environments and CI/CD pipelines, ensuring smooth and efficient integration into existing workflows, while Selenium might require additional configuration and customization.

Optimizing peak performance

Hassle-free integration into existing workflows is crucial for any testing tool, and Fortest excels in this aspect by ensuring minimal disruption to development processes. Here’s why:

  • Lightweight and Efficient: Fortest is a lightweight tool designed for quick development and execution, allowing for faster testing cycles compared to the more resource-intensive Selenium. Selenium can sometimes be slower and require more resources due to its broader functionality and the overhead of WebDriver communication.
  • Effortless Deployment: The Fortest testing tool supports easy deployments with remote executions, enabling smooth testing processes. This feature allows for testing in various environments without the need for extensive configuration. Selenium, on the other hand, often requires more complex setup and configuration, including the installation of browser drivers and ensuring compatibility across different systems.

Infor ERP testing: Where cost matters

Fortest’s lightweight nature translates to reduced operational costs and resource usage, making it an economical choice for large-scale testing environments. Unlike Selenium, which can be more resource-intensive due to its broader functionality and overhead, Fortest ensures quicker execution and development cycles. This efficiency not only minimizes the initial setup and ongoing maintenance costs but also reduces the total cost of ownership, making it an ideal solution for enterprises looking to maximize their budget without compromising on performance.

Considerations are key

Selenium is a well-established open-source framework for automating web application testing. Its strengths include a solid ecosystem, extensive browser support, and compatibility with multiple programming languages. Selenium facilitates testing scenarios across different platforms and supports parallel test execution. However, it requires significant programming knowledge, can be challenging to set up and maintain, and often needs periodic script maintenance.

Fortest, developed by Fortude, builds on Selenium’s capabilities, offering a user-friendly interface and additional automation commands. Designed as a lightweight tool, Fortest ensures quicker development and execution of tests, making it ideal for enterprise-level testing. It supports easy deployments with remote executions, predefined workflows, and industry-specific test cases, significantly reducing complexity and effort. Fortest addresses Selenium’s weaknesses by simplifying the user experience and providing targeted functionalities.

Fortest vs Selenium testing tool: Use cases and project requirements

For organizations needing comprehensive testing with extensive browser and language support, the Selenium test automation solution is a suitable choice. It supports projects requiring detailed and complex testing across multiple platforms, particularly for teams with strong programming skills capable of handling setup and maintenance complexities.

Conversely, Fortest is the ideal test automation tool for enterprises seeking a cost-effective, efficient, and user-friendly option. Its lightweight design and easy deployment make it perfect for quick test development and execution. Fortest is especially beneficial for businesses using Infor M3/CloudSuite applications, offering predefined test cases and workflows tailored to these environments. Its seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines and support for remote executions suit agile and distributed teams prioritizing speed and simplicity.

Ready to unlock efficiency with automated regression testing? Fortude’s Fortest is a powerful automated regression testing tool that has pre-built industry-specific test cases for Infor CloudSuite Fashion and Food Beverage. Book a demo with one of our experts to learn more:



Key features to look for in a test automation tool include ease of integration with existing workflows, support for multiple testing types (Web, API, DB), predefined business functions, detailed reporting, and support for parallel execution. For Infor ERP-centric tools, industry-specific test cases and compatibility with Infor M3/CloudSuite applications are crucial.

QA teams should opt for test automation to significantly reduce manual testing efforts, minimize errors, accelerate release cycles, and ensure system reliability. Automation also frees up resources for innovation and strategic tasks. For Infor ERP systems, test automation with tools like Fortest ensures efficient and thorough testing tailored to industry-specific needs.

Reusable scripts and function libraries streamline the testing process by reducing the effort and time required to create and maintain tests. For ERP applications like Infor M3/CloudSuite, these pre-built components ensure consistency, accuracy, and faster implementation, enabling QA teams to focus on critical areas and adapt quickly to changes in the ERP environment.