Computer screen displaying colorful text promoting a webinar on reducing costs and simplifying the testing process.
Quality Engineering

Webinar Blog: Reduce Costs and Simplify the Testing Process


We are the laziest and the most impatient version of homo-sapiens ever to exist on the planet Earth. We want things automated, we want things done fast. Today we hosted a webinar on that tiresome task: Testing. We introduced Testing as a Service (TaaS) and talked about how it can deliver speedy M3 regression testing.

In this webinar, Hisan Saleeth, one of our tech-leads shared with us the 3Ws of TaaS:
1. What is TaaS?
2. Why TaaS?
3. When can your business start using TaaS?

What is TaaS?
In a nut shell, this is a process of automating the M3 regression testing process and thereby simplifying the whole process to function, unassisted by users. If your business runs with a small IT team and you find it difficult to get business users to help with M3 testing, then this is the perfect solution for you.
Why do you need TaaS?
We do recommend the use of TaaS in 2 scenarios – M3 roll-outs and system maintenance. Common challenges that we have seen are:
  • Not being able to get sufficient testing time from key users
  • Key business users leaving the organization over time
TaaS will definitely help you overcome these challenges: Once all the testing scenarios are scripted, then it’s just a matter of scheduling them to execute an automated testing flow.
When can your business start using TaaS?
Talk to us to find out! Author: Chavindi Herath Manager – Pre-Sales