Image of Peter D’Almeida showcasing his roles as actor, director, and CEO during his visit to Fortude.
Life at Fortude

Triple threat actor, director, and CEO Peter D’Almeida visits Fortude!

Fortude had a celebrity visitor – Peter D’Almeida, of Koombiyo fame and Colombo’s television and theater scene, visited us to talk about what makes him the great leader he is today.
Peter as dynamic leader
Peter is the CEO and Managing Director of n*able Pvt Ltd, a leading technology company that helps businesses improve through innovation. Peter is passionate about forging new pathways of insight and opening up spaces for collaborative genius to flourish, which influenced his personal and professional approach on the stage and as CEO. From Koombiyo through a prolific theater and acting career to the IT realm, one thing has fueled Peter’s journey – curiosity. Embracing curiosity as a mental space enables you, as an explorer of life, to ask the important questions that propel you in the right direction.
Peter as a talented thespian

Peter’s prowess in Sri Lanka’s theater and teledrama industry is legendary. One role in particular that Fortudites were most excited to hear about was the character of Dudley Maldeniya in Koombiyo. Through his memorable portrayal of Dudley Maldeniya, Peter reprised the role as a talented thespian after 15 years, earning a resounding roar of excitement from the show’s fans.

However, it was not an easy comeback. Even though the character’s onscreen appearance was short, Peter had to prepare for the role a month in advance – to capture the devious villainy of Maldeniya in the most convincing way possible. This was rather difficult for Peter – who is the utter antithesis of his onscreen alter-ego! But through his innate curiosity and a profound sense of self-awareness, Peter played pay the part brilliantly. This is why the show’s director, Lakmal Dharmarathne, kept the part for him for three years before he finally accepted. And it was a ground-breaking 30 minutes of onscreen time that earned rave reviews.

Fortudites had a lot of questions for Peter about his major comeback and the future of the show. But Peter, with his trademark grin and witty sparkle in his eyes, didn’t give away too much, and he did provide a few teases to pique the team’s interest and keep us guessing!

Fortudites were also excited to ask him more about his company, n*able, and about the journey he embarked on to become the CEO of a successful tech company in Sri Lanka. Peter delivered marvelous insight about how to rise up above all challenges and really make your life your own. And it starts with curiosity.


Peter as a curious cat

Peter is a self-made man, as his fans well know. He is the youngest child of a happy, large family, and from the very beginning, he has had a sense of wonder about the world.

As he grew up, Peter’s childhood shaped him to be a strong, intellectually curious individual who was determined to make the best of everything – no matter what.

This momentum of wonder propelled his life therein – from an immersion into local politics to the stage, to his professional engagements, which saw him leaving a stable, well-paying role to strike out on his own to forge n*able.

For Peter, his life is built around curiosity. With curiosity comes an enhanced clarity about life, which shapes you to be the best, most authentic version of yourself. And this is an amazing concept that will continue to inspire all Fortudites throughout their lives!