Close-up image of a map of the earth, highlighting the risks of bad data migration in ERP implementations.
Cloud Migration

Bad Data Migration is a Common Cause for Failed or Problematic ERP Go-lives


Are you facing challenges with your data migration process? Here are some thoughts from the Fortude Infor M3 experts.

Plan Ahead
  • Data Migration Planning should be a key project planning activity
  • Identify the different data sources for the ERP up-front
  • Nominate Owners for each piece of data
  • Brief them thoroughly on the Cleansing & Transformation requirements from source system to M3
  • Assess the volumes of Master and Transactional data to be migrated and the time needed to extract and cleanse them
  • Plan at least 2 trial data migrations
  • Plan fall-back / contingency processes for each step
  • Define Acceptance Criteria and owners for Signoff
Develop and Test your Migration Tools
  • Use actual data for your testing
  • Consider Data Type conversions when migrating between different Operating Systems
  • Load Test you migration tools and scripts
  • Document the Data Migration Process and data mapping rules
  • Automate the data transformation where large volumes of data are involved
  • Time your data migrations to estimate the time needed for the Final Go Live
  • Freeze your solution : revisit your data migration design if any configuration changes are done
  • Develop custom templates if required for recording data during system blackout
  • Clearly define Go-No-Go Criteria for final Go-Live
Execute your Data Migration According to the plan
  • Proactively reduce business transaction volume during the cutover period
  • Differing of production / planning of deliveries outside of cutover period
  • Ensure data accuracy through physical stock takes & advance data cleansing
  • Migrate Master Data in advance where possible
  • Ensure sufficient hardware resources are allocated for the migration.
  • Ensure timely and accurate communication between all stakeholders during the migration
  • Escalate any exceptions and review Go-No-Go Criteria with all stakeholders
  • Ensure users are allocated for entering / uploading backlogged (blackout period) transactions
  • Freeze and Archive the Source and Migrated data
Author:  Niranjan Vaidyakularatne Vice President – ERP Pre-Sales & Innovation, Infor Services