Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: Lessons from Around the Globe

Fortude presents ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion: Lessons from Around the Globe’, the second of our Global Webinar Series in celebration of Global Diversity Awareness Month. Tune into hear speakers from around the world share their experiences, insights and knowledge, on diversity equity and inclusion in today’s workspace.

Join us for an interactive fireside chat on the importance of diversity and inclusion in today’s workplace. Learn more from our panelists as they share best practices on how they embrace D&I to make a meaningful impact in their workplaces and their communities. Stay tuned as they also share their personal experiences, challenges and how they’ve successfully navigated them.

Tune in to the recording to learn from our expert line-up of speakers from around the world, as they share their insights and experiences on how you can build, transform and fast-track your future!

On-demand Webinar