Credit Card Interface
Improve management of credit cards in Infor M3 with better visibility of orders.

Credit Card Interface
Improve management of credit cards in Infor M3 with better visibility of orders.

Why this product?
Fortude’s Credit Card Interface is designed for processing credit card transactions in Infor M3 and operates with the integration of a payment gateway called the vSecure Payment Gateway. It facilitates users to easily manage credit cards, payment authorizations, payment captures and refunds. Customer orders designated for credit card payments can be viewed and managed via the interface.

Our Features

Add new credit cards
Users or customers will be able to add new credit cards to the interface and save them. Saved cards will be synced with the payment gateway, and will be visible in a grid.

View orders
Customers’ credit card authorization details can be viewed along with their order history.

Batch authorizations
The user can search by a date range and process authorizations for multiple orders as a batch.

Manage authorizations
Credit card transaction authorizations can be viewed and managed. Authorization expired orders can be re-authorized, and a transaction authorized in the payment gateway can be manually voided using the Fortude Credit Card Interface.

Manage captures
Credit card payment captures can be viewed and managed. Capture failed orders can also be re-captured using the Fortude Credit Card Interface.

Manage refunds
If a customer order gets cancelled, the payment refund for the order can be processed via the Fortude Credit Card Interface.