City skyline against a blue sky, symbolizing sustainable business growth through process automation.

Enabling sustainable business growth with process automation

In today’s technological landscape, businesses are increasingly looking for ways to streamline and optimize their internal and external processes, through which, businesses can boost the quality of service, efficiency, and production rate at a rapid pace. At Fortude, we’ve carried out a number of process automation projects for a variety of clients. In this article, I will showcase some of the interesting process automation solutions that we delivered.
Problem 1
A retailing company with high volume sales per day has customers who primarily make purchases on credit. As a result, most customers end up exceeding their credit limits before the business has time to notice. Even if the business identifies that a customer has exceeded their given credit limit, the time taken for this limit breach to be raised to management for approval or rejection took a long time. This often results in delays leading to customer frustration.
The Solution
We worked with the customer to define their credit limits in the system and associated these limits with the orders. Now, when a customer makes a new order, the total order value is checked against their current credit limit. If an order exceeds the set credit limit, the system blocks the order and prevents the order from being further processed. At the same time, an email alert is sent to the management with the relevant details to check and approve or reject the credit limit breach. The solution allowed the users to control customer credit limits.
Problem 2
A manufacturing company has a high number of items created per day. These items need to be created in the system by the product design team; however, once they’ve created the item, it needs to be approved by the head of the team followed by the purchasing and finance departments updating the information related to the item in the system. The inefficient cross-departmental communication between individuals from different physical locations made way for miscommunication, inaccuracies, and delays.
The Solution
We automated the communication process and the information capturing process. Now, when creating an item, the product design team fills a form, which is then shared with the team head for approval. Once approved, the item details are shared with the remaining departments instantly via mail. The email also contains details of the created items and what is required from the receiver’s end to create the item. These examples demonstrate only a fragment of the incredible potential process automation has for a business organization. Carrying out automation at the fundamental levels as described in these real-life scenarios has significantly reduced the workload, time, and space for human error. With the right application, process automation can rapidly transform the way businesses operate. Author: Bevon Raj Associate Consultant – Application Support Bevon is an ITIL-certified M3 Consultant with more than five years experience helping customers improve their Infor M3 implementations. Over the years, he has gained expertise in different ERP functions such as customer order management, supply chain execution, procurement and warehouse management in the apparel, F&B, and manufacturing domains.