In the previous blog post, we discussed building low-code feature-rich CloudSuite applications with Infor Mongoose. In this article, we explore applications developed using Infor Mongoose at Fortude.
We have used M3 Mongoose Plug-in (M3 APIs), ION API wizard (ION APIs), REST APIs, Form Scripts, Global Scripts, IDO extension classes, and other capabilities for these developments with the Mongoose framework. However, with the latest Mongoose upgrade, the M3 Mongoose Plug-in has been replaced with the ION API wizard. Therefore, we have changed our current M3 Mongoose Plug-in-related development into ION APIs.
1. Sales Price List Manager
It’s common for businesses to run multiple programs to complete the price list workflow in Infor M3. Therefore, the Sales Price List Manager application was developed to manage price lists from a centralized location conveniently.
The Sales Price List Manager process uses the standard M3 programs OIS017 (Sales Price List) and OIS012 (Sales Price List Table) and communicates with M3 via ION APIs, Web Services, and SQL queries. This application is categorized into three main functions: manage, create, and update.
Figure 1: Sales Price List Manager
Features of Sales Price List Manager:
- Search for price lists and view each price list header and line information.
- Change the header of the price list where required and close the entire price list or selected lines from the price list.
- Update sales prices on the lines and add more items to the price lists through the standard programs.
- Upload and download price list lines in bulk using MS Excel files.
- Create new price lists, add lines to the new price list, and connect them to the price list table.
- Create a new price list table.
- Update the existing price list’s lines by a factor.
- Select a price list from the grid, copy it to a new price list, and change it by a factor. (This factor can be expressed either by a negative or positive amount or a percentage)
The Price List Manager allows you to easily create and publish price lists by incorporating all these features into one page.
2. POP Consolidator (Purchase Order Proposal Consolidator)
POP Consolidator allows Supply Chain Management users to consolidate the purchase order proposals generated by MRP (Material Requirement Planning) in M3. In this application, users can view the purchase order proposals auto-generated by the MRP function in M3 in weekly buckets against a specific style/vendor. Further, they can compare the proposed quantities against the MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) levels against the selected style/vendor combination. POP Consolidator also allows the users to fit the proposal quantities against the vendor MOQ by changing the requested delivery date and swopping the POPs across different weeks.
Figure 2: Purchase Order Proposal Consolidator
Finish Goods (FG) and Raw Materials (RM) are processed separately, facilitating the same features.
- View the MRP-generated POPs weekly against a specific style/vendor combination.
- Compare the POP quantities against the vendor MOQ.
- Adjust POP details and fit them into the MOQ.
- Update changed details to M3.
- Download POP details into MS Excel .
- Movement of partial quantities between weeks
3. Accounts Receivable (AR) Dashboard
How convenient would it be for the AR (Account Receivable) team to have an insightful dashboard to keep up-to-date with all the crucial customer-related metrics they use daily? The AR Dashboard offers real-time insights at your fingertips for timely, accurate decision making.
When the user enters transactions in AR Sales, the M3 database captures the data. The captured data is then pushed to the Data Lake and is transferred to the MDM (Master Data Management) database. AR Dashboard then retrieves data from the MDM database using REST APIs and displays them in a series of subforms and grids as pop-up windows. In addition, all forms support the MS Excel download function.
Figure 3: Accounts Receivable (AR) Dashboard
As mentioned above, this application contains a list of sub forms and grids.
AR Dashboard – Displays customer Information, credit Information, key ratios, and AR sales information of the selected customer with additional summary details. The two buttons in ‘View All Items’ and View All Payments’ are linked to AR Items and AR Payments screens, respectively.
AR Items – Displays all transactions (invoices, credit notes, debit notes, account payments), outstanding balance, and age bucket drill-down.
AR Payments – Displays the summary details of payments as well as invoice level details of the payment. Additionally, the Voucher/Doc No of each record is linked to the AR Payments Details screen.
AR Payment Details – Displays payment details, voucher items drill-down. The Payment Reconciliation button is linked to Voucher and GL Account Details screen.
Voucher and GL Account Details – Displays further details of voucher and GL accounts.
Figure 4: List of sub forms and grids
4. Customer Enhancement Screen
Customer Enhancement Screen (CES) was designed to enter and manage customer and customer address-related ‘additional’ information in M3 through one interface. Segmentations, MAP violations, Deduct From Invoice (DFI) Details, and Temporary Credit Limits can also be created and managed using this application.
CES mainly consists of three modules: Customer Details, Customer Address Details, and Customer Segmentations screens.
Figure 5: Customer Enhancement Screen
Customer Details
- VAS (Value Added Services) Code – Manage and attach VAS Codes to customers.
- DFI Details – To enter and manage the discounts applied as charges on returns for a customer.
- Temporary Credit Limit – To maintain and seasonally update the temporary credit limit.
- Minimum Acceptable Price (MAP) Violations – To suspend Customer Orders based on Customer/Address/Style/Item Combinations and to manage MAP Violations (the combinations for customers, addresses, items, and the suspension end date)
Customer Address Details
- Customer Address – To manage customer address details
- Subsidy Details – To view customer address details stored in customer extension tables (CUGEX1 for CUSTSUBSID)
Customer Segmentation
- To assign different segmentations based on customer and address
- To create, update and delete segmentation codes
- To create segmentation code with blank terms and maintain them for reporting purposes.
In the next post, we will discuss the Fortude Roadmap for M3 Extension Development on Infor Mongoose.
Written by:
Harini Samarasinghe
Associate Technical Consultant, Fortude
Nishantha Ekanayake
Technical Consultant, Fortude
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