Extracting Value from AI Investments - Data and Analytics Extracting Value from AI Investments - Data and Analytics
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Extracting value from AI investments


The rapid expansion of Generative AI (Gen AI) around the world has been a defining moment of the past few years. Executives have embraced the potential of these new technologies with enthusiasm to help guide their strategic thinking and spark transformational change across industries. However, reality often falls short of expectations, with several persistent misconceptions. Many industry experts believe that simply deploying Gen AI tools will yield immediate, significant returns, yet a leading survey reveals that nearly 30% of Gen AI projects will be abandoned by the following year due to issues like poor data quality, rising costs, and unclear business goals.

When reality bites

CEOs often expect to see tangible returns from AI within three to five years, largely due to the belief that AI can deliver immediate improvements in profitability through efficiency enhancements. This optimism is driven by AI’s potential to automate tasks and optimize operations, promising swift gains.

Despite these high expectations, only a small fraction of companies are fully prepared to leverage AI’s full potential. Around 9% of companies are currently using Gen AI to transform business models, but many of these projects face hurdles that will see them abandoned by the next fiscal year. This disconnect highlights the significant gap between the expectations placed on AI-driven interventions and the readiness of businesses to successfully implement and navigate the complex process.

One major reason for this disparity is the lack of adequate data management strategies. AI systems thrive on high-quality, well-structured data; without it, even the most advanced AI tools struggle to produce meaningful results. Unfortunately, many organizations still rely on fragmented or outdated data infrastructures that are not equipped to support AI applications. Poor integration with existing workflows further exacerbates the problem, making it difficult for businesses to extract actionable insights from their AI investments. Addressing this disconnect requires robust preparedness, including investing in data infrastructure and establishing clear governance frameworks to ensure data quality and accessibility.

In addition to data challenges, recent surveys indicate that a substantial sector of business leaders are either unsure about or dissatisfied with their AI results. Many report that they have yet to see significant benefits from their AI initiatives, which underscores the need for companies to set realistic goals and continuously evaluate their AI strategies. By aligning AI projects more closely with business objectives and maintaining a flexible approach to implementation, organizations can better navigate the complexities of AI and achieve more meaningful results.

More challenges to come

Experts predict that a significant number of Gen AI projects will falter after initial trials, often due to issues like poor data quality and rising costs. Without high-quality, integrated data, AI tools struggle to produce meaningful results, leading to frustration and increased costs as companies attempt to resolve these issues manually or through uncoordinated efforts. Furthermore, the shortage of skilled talent exacerbates these challenges, as there are not enough professionals with the expertise to guide AI projects to success. Many organizations also suffer from inadequate roadmaps, which further complicate the deployment process.

These trends are often the result of a rush to adopt AI without fully understanding its complexities or aligning it with clear business outcomes. For example, a global retail company might invest in AI-driven inventory management systems without first ensuring that their data infrastructure can support such a tool. As a result, the AI system may produce inaccurate predictions, leading to stockouts or overstocking, which in turn results in financial losses. To avoid such pitfalls, it is essential for businesses to adopt a more strategic approach to AI implementation, focusing on building a solid foundation before scaling up their projects.

Insights from industry experts suggest that while some companies with well-defined use cases and strong support structures may succeed, others may abandon their projects due to practical challenges. For instance, companies that invest in AI without first addressing data quality issues may find that their projects fail to deliver the expected results, leading to disillusionment and a loss of confidence in AI technologies.

A measured approach

As the initial excitement around Gen AI cools, organizations are increasingly shifting towards a more measured approach. This involves reevaluating their strategies and focusing on AI technologies that offer immediate benefits, such as machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural language processing (NLP). These technologies are often better understood and come with more predictable outcomes, making them a safer choice for companies looking to achieve tangible benefits in the short term.

For example, consider the case of a prominent apparel manufacturer and supply chain leader in global fashion that collaborated with Fortude to strengthen their data analytics capabilities. Through this partnership, the manufacturer’s analytics strategy led to a 60% reduction in costs associated with advanced analytics initiatives and substantial savings on infrastructure expenses. This strategic investment also accelerated their decision-making process. By eliminating architectural barriers to their near-real-time data requirements, the business is now well-prepared to incorporate even more AI tools in the future.

Fortude also harnessed NLP to meet the evolving needs of businesses, particularly in the face of increased digital interactions. During the pandemic, many companies were overwhelmed by a surge in customer queries. Fortude guided these businesses by integrating AI-powered chatbots with ERP systems, enabling real-time management of customer inquiries across websites and social media platforms. The automation of such routine tasks significantly improved operational efficiency and reduced the burden on human resources, allowing companies to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Start small, think big

Executives and CEOs are increasingly adopting a pragmatic approach to AI by prioritizing strategic goals and solutions that align with specific business needs over quick wins that fail to deliver significant ROI. Instead of committing to large-scale, high-stakes Gen AI projects, businesses are starting with smaller, focused initiatives. This approach allows them to explore the technology’s capabilities and benefits without significant risks or over-investment of resources.

For example, a financial company might initially use Gen AI to automate the generation of monthly financial reports. In the pilot phase, the AI tool creates and compiles basic report structures, which are then reviewed by analysts. If the pilot program results in faster and more accurate report generation, the company can expand the use of AI to other reporting processes, freeing up human capital to focus on deeper and more insightful analysis across the organization.

Another critical takeaway from early Gen AI experiments is the paramount importance of high-quality data. Businesses are increasingly recognizing the need to refine their data management practices, ensuring that their AI systems have access to precise, relevant, and well-organized data. This shift in focus involves substantial investments in data infrastructure and integration capabilities, which are vital for maximizing the effectiveness of both new and existing AI technologies.

Key takeaways

As organizations continue to explore the potential of AI, CIOs should be mindful not to get swept up in the excitement surrounding new technologies. Instead, there should be a focus on solutions that are closely aligned with business goals. Starting with internal, low-risk projects can offer valuable insights and help manage risks effectively.

Enhancing existing AI models for specific purposes before committing to large-scale investments in untested technologies can result in faster and more dependable outcomes. By refining these models based on initial results, companies can ensure that their AI initiatives are grounded in practical, real-world applications that deliver tangible benefits.

Generative AI holds the promise of significant transformation, but its complexity requires a careful and balanced approach. By addressing core challenges like data quality and infrastructure, and by setting realistic goals, companies can harness the full power of AI to drive growth and gain a competitive edge across their industries.


Many Gen AI projects fail due to issues like poor data quality, rising costs, and unclear business goals. A lack of well-structured data and inadequate integration with existing workflows often lead to these challenges, resulting in projects being abandoned.

A common mistake is rushing to adopt AI without ensuring their data infrastructure can support it. Poor data quality and inadequate integration with existing systems often lead to ineffective AI solutions and financial losses.

Companies should start with smaller, focused AI projects aligned with clear business goals. Investing in robust data management and infrastructure, setting realistic expectations, and continuously evaluating AI strategies can help achieve meaningful results and reduce risks.